Project initiator:
a.l.s.o. Schwäbisch Gmünd e. V.
For over 30 years, the social enterprise a.l.s.o. e.V. has been offering people in Schwäbisch Gmünd and the Ostwürttemberg region new perspectives and developing solutions to improve living situations and realise positive prospects and opportunities.
Project description:
Single parents and families in precarious living situations often live in flats with small and unfavourably cut rooms and unhealthy housing conditions. They also rarely have the financial means to carry out necessary repairs.
Numerous studies, such as the World Vision Children’s Study and the Bertelsmann Study Children’s Worlds+, prove the connection between the risk of poverty or concrete poverty, as well as inadequate housing and disadvantages in child development. The project of the a.l.s.o. Schäbisch GmĂĽnd e. V. aims to improve problematic and unhealthy housing situations in the city and region.
Children at risk of poverty live cramped and unhealthy lives. We can change that.
Project aims:
To improve the housing situation according to the needs of (single) parents and their children.
Project location:
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg
Project start:
December 2020
Project target group(s):
(Single) parents and their children who are connected to the supporting association through further assistance measures.
Aim of the funding:
With the support of NEUMAYER STIFTUNG, the housing situation is to be designed and improved according to the needs of the (single) parents and their children.
Type of funding:
Improvement of the housing situation in three housing units.
Duration of funding:
Beginning of December 2020 – end of May 2021
Contact details of the project initiator:
a.l.s.o. Schwäbisch Gmünd e.V.
GoethestraĂźe 65
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd