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  4. Annual LeseLenz in Hausach


Project initiator:

Stadt Hausach, Verein zur Förderung des Hausacher LeseLenzes e.V.

Hausacher LeseLenz is a renowned literary festival that has been held in Hausach, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Germany, for 23 years. Every year more than 50 public readings are given in front of now between four and five thousand literature enthusiasts. The festival draws hundreds of first-class international authors to Hausach. Writing, drawing and storytelling workshops, as well as an extensive supporting programme encourage visitors to experience and discover language in a whole new way.

The series of events for children entitled „kinderleicht & lesejung“ is an important part of the literary festival. Every year, it encourages over 2,000 pupils from the region to take part in Hausacher LeseLenz.

Hausacher LeseLenz therefore brings together people who are interested in language and literature with people who otherwise have little access to literature and poetry. The main focus of attention is obviously on children and young people whose entire life can be positively influenced by improved access to literature.

Hausacher LeseLenz also supports authors with scholarships and prizes. The three „Stadtschreiber*innen“ scholarships give winners a three-month stay in Hausach. The „Amanda-Neumayer-Stipendium“ scholarship awarded by NEUMAYER STIFTUNG gives further support to the festival in the sphere of children’s and young adults’ literature.

Project description:

As one of the main patrons, NEUMAYER STIFTUNG facilitates events and public readings as part of Hausacher LeseLenz. Workshops in schools and kindergartens are offered as part of the „kinderleicht & lesejung“ series, and the results are recorded and presented in the printed publication “Wortwerk”. Authors are supported by their own scholarships.

Reading could mean learning to find your way in this world: Literature is language.

Language means capacity for dialogue.

Language is social work.

Reading keeps people alert and curious.

Mission statement

Project aims:

Language work is social work. Making literature accessible should encourage reading and therefore improve complex thinking and participation in society. Young people and adults get access to first-class, nationally and internationally renowned literature.

An easily accessible offer gives them the opportunity to broaden their horizons, and they can enjoy learning how to use language creatively in the workshops. There is support for authors and people engaged in culture, who can form international networks. The town benefits from the international cultural exchange.

Project location:

Hausach, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg

Project start:


Project target group(s):

Children and young people from the region and talented up-and-coming authors

Aim of the funding:

NEUMAYER STIFTUNG’s commitment is aimed at promoting reading and passing on linguistic competence in children and young people. Experiencing literature is supposed to break down possible barriers and create new points of view.
The readings give all listeners access to first-class literature and break down barriers to entry. Furthermore, the foundation also supports talented up-and-coming authors and facilitates international networks of people involved in creating literature.

Type of funding:

Numerous activities by NEUMAYER STIFTUNG make Hausacher LeseLenz possible. The festival programme is made up of numerous formats financed by the foundation, such as public readings and workshops in schools and kindergartens. The award of the “Amanda-Neumayer-Stipendium” scholarship for literature aimed at children and young readers enhances the event’s international significance.

Duration of funding:

Since 2008; annually


José F. A. Oliver, founder and curator of Hausacher LeseLenz, was awarded the „Kulturpreis Baden-Württemberg“ cultural prize in 2007. The prize was awarded for Hausacher LeseLenz, among other achievements.

Contact details of the project initiator:

Hausacher LeseLenz
Pfarrer-Brunner-Str. 4
77756 Hausach
Email: info@leselenz.com